Nouvelles fonctionnalités pour le partage de stratégies de recherche chez Ovid

25 mars 2021

Le fournisseur Ovid nous informe qu’à partir du 31 mars, de nouvelles fonctionnalités permettant le partage des stratégies de recherche seront disponibles sur la plateforme OvidSP.

Les utilisateurs pourront maintenant partager leurs stratégies de recherche avec leurs collègues, permettant au destinataire de ré exécuter la recherche en un seul clic.

Trois nouveaux boutons dans l’Historique de recherches seront affichés : Envoyer tout l’historique de recherche par e-mail, Copier le lien de l’historique de recherche et Copier les détails de l’historique de recherche.

Pour plus de détails, voir le communiqué du fournisseur (en anglais) ici-bas.

Sharing Ovid Searches

Dear Ovid Customer:

As we continue to incorporate user feedback into the Ovid platform, we are pleased to announce that new Ovid search sharing features will be made available on 31st March. These features help users seamlessly share search strategies with colleagues, allowing the recipient to rerun the search with one click.

Users will see three new buttons in the Search History Panel: Email All Search History, Copy Search History Link, and Copy Search History Details.
The additional features do not affect any existing workflows on Ovid. They allow users to more easily copy, share, and collaborate on searches. Click here for an example.

Key Functionality Includes:

  • Email All Search History: allows users to send their current search history to another user via email. The email includes the search strategy with line numbers and number of results, database segment(s), the date the search was executed, a link to run the search, and a message from the sender.
  • Copy Search History Link: copies a search history link to the user’s clipboard. The recipient must have access to the database the search was created in to rerun the search.
  • Copy Search History Details: copies the search strategy, line numbers, number of results per line, and database segment(s) to the user’s clipboard.

If you would like a custom access prefix added to your institution’s search history link, please contact Customer Support.

We look forward to continuing to improve the Ovid user experience and provide customers with outstanding service.

Feel free to contact Customer Support with any questions by sending an email to

Wolters Kluwer – Ovid